“Within the light there is darkness, but do not be attached to this darkness. Within the darkness there is light, but do not look for that light.”*
Before there is any Light that I can see
while it is still night with me,
already you are my heart’s Yes
responding to your Presence,
more felt and yet the inner eye
sees ruddiness on a charcoal-cheeked sky,
a blush on the ebony face of Love toward me;
it’s true
the darkness is not dark to you,
not the Earth’s, nor man’s, nor mine.
even there your hand shall lead me,
in your right hand, i am Thine;
in an instant my house all stilled,
thy Breath a whisper at my heart’s ear:
“Do not be afraid, I Am right here.”
c. j.nevills 2.1.2024
* from The Sandoki by Sekito Kisen (8th c.) transl. R. H. Blyth, quoted in the introduction to Longing for Darkness, Tara and the Black Modonna, A Ten-year Journey by China Galland, c. 2007, pp.x